Man I hate when it gets cold. I know that's a relative term considering that I live in El Paso, but it still sucks going to swim when it's dark and cold outside. It just doesn't compute for me. I detest biking indoors and now daylight savings time kicks in tomorrow which might as well mean "no daylight time." I remember back in college that I thought the Monday after daylight savings time should be a holiday just so we could celebrate the extra sleep.
I also got sick for the first time in over two years and was OUT for 2 weeks. This month marks 2 years that I've been training and I thought at some point you got to the point where training becomes second nature but it's still a chore for me. A chore that too easily slips to the back burner when one isn't competing and the winter blues set in. This is problematic considering that I signed up for the Flying Horse half marathon here in El Paso and the Vegas half in December.
I did manage to drag my sorry butt out of bed yesterday and ran 7 miles and felt surprisingly good considering I've ran maybe 4 times since the Elephantman. I ran into Brian Carter at the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes charity event and was grousing about my lack of motivation. He kindly invited me to ride with him and Mike Baker. I was a little intimidated because Bryan is a stud triathlete and Mike is a legend. Showed up this morning and off we went! I found out that Mike has done 40 Iron distance races including 8 at Kona - freaking 40! Great guys and we knocked out 50 miles the last hour or so with a 50 mph wind.
I feel good about my fitness level surviving my dip in enthusiasm and am back on track!